A Recruiting Letter

Donated by Steve Stockdale, CS-39

As a lightly-recruited high school quarterback, I received the attention of a few college recruiters, including from the Academy and Canoe U.

A one-two recruiting punch proved very effective … first the personal handwritten letter, then the marketing propaganda.

Cover 1972 Cadet Decorum Handbook

Then the information/propaganda.

Note the Air Force “Privileges” below obviously referenced the pre-Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenburg era.

Off-Based Privileges Comparison

Personal Privileges

Air Force vs. Navy Comparison

To his credit Capt. Starkey followed-up with the promised dinner with my family. I remember it was at the Carriage House in Lubbock and the only specific thing I remember he said was, “You know what the mottos at Annapolis and West Point are? 140 years of tradition unhampered by progress.

I was a pretty easy sell.

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