Folksongs of the American Fighter Pilot in SE Asia

This is an interesting find. I believe this was provided as part of a Creative Writing Workshop (a regular course) offered by the English Department/Fine Arts in the spring of 1975. I know that it included at least one off-campus get-together with civilians (i.e., girls) and I believe there were some on-campus colloquiums with guests. The one event I remember attending with some specific recall is riding there with Lt. Col Shuttleworth (one of the two co-instructors for the Workshop, along with Major Grimshaw) in his BMW 2002, but I remember that more as a poetry thing and not a folk song thing.

This handout is under the cover of what was likely a larger colloquium dealing with “folklore” generally, but specifically “Folksongs of the American Fighter Pilot in Southeast Asia 1967-68.” You can read the pages below, or open/download the PDF.

pages from Folksongs of the American Fighter Pilot