Rolling Stones of Broken Beliefs

( Originally posted to my “From Here to Discernity” blog at, November 21, 2011) I live within walking distance of DeVargas Center on the north side of town. Two or three times a week I’ll walk by the mall, or to the mall, depending on my needs or curiosities. Yesterday my curiosities led me … Read more

Learning is for Noobs

(Originally posted to my “From Here to Discernity” blog at, September 12, 2011) I first heard the term “Internet” at a Halloween party in 1993. An attractive friend of a co-worker, cutely disguised as the Cat in the Hat, mentioned that she was writing her Masters thesis in Computer Science about “how to access … Read more

Adherence to Appearance

(Originally posted to my “From Here to Discernity” blog at, September 12, 2011) Two decades ago, I took a “self-improvement” seminar in Dallas. The seminar leader, an out-of-towner, commented in the beginning that, “I’ve heard Dallas is all about looking good.” I recalled that observation last week while I was reading about the year-long … Read more

What a Marriage a Difference Makes

(Posted to my “From Here to Discernity” blog at, September 1, 2011) I met Marisa when she enrolled in my general semantics class at TCU (Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX) in January 2007. After she graduated that spring, she worked for me at a nonprofit organization I managed. She became friends with … Read more

The Cross that Came Before

This was originally posted on my “From Here to Discernity” blog at (submitted July 23, 2011). I’m not proud to admit that I live on the computer. Every day, I create, modify, copy, move, and otherwise manipulate dozens, if not hundreds, of many different types of computer files. It’s a storage, backup, and configuration management … Read more

8 Passages for Uncertain Career Journeys

My friend and former career adviser Helen Harkness was asked to edit a special edition of a journal for career development professionals in 2010. She invited me to submit an article/essay, which was accepted. The theme of the special edition was Mid Life Career Crisis: How chaos theory and positive psychology can help. The edition … Read more