’76 Brides Calendar

I found this in 2020, but I have no recollection of getting it. I didn’t have a June Week wedding. There’s a personal inscription on the back inside cover to “Pat,” apparently as a thank-you by one of the officers’ wives who put the thing together. So how did I get it? Well, as of April 2020 I have a theory, which will be a long-ish footnote to the calendar itself so I’ll address it separately from this.

Here are a few pages to give you an idea of what was put together by the Academy officers’ wives. There’s also a separate page of trivia and factoids pertinent to the Spirit of ’76 that are scattered throughout the calendar that you really shouldn’t miss. Download the full calendar.

Cover of Calendar for Brides


Brides Calendar, Note to Brides


Brides Calendar, Academy History


Brides Calendar, June 1976


Brides Calendar, AF Commands


Brides Calendar, Moving